Giving Email Marketing a Unique Personality

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 10:25 PM
Emma wanted to raise brand awareness and showcase what makes them different—their full-service model for email marketing. We were able to create a brand identity and video as warm, approachable, and human as Emma itself.

There are lots of email marketing platforms out there, and a list of features simply doesn’t resonate with people trying to find the right service for them. Emma wanted to raise brand awareness and showcase what makes them different—their full-service model—while reinforcing the personal touch they’re known for.

Creating a Distinct Brand Personality

We helped Emma create a distinct personality in two ways. The first was a refreshed logo and a new look for their website using illustrations to bring users into the experience. The second was a video bringing to life the connection Emma helps marketers build with their customers by showing the flow and impact of an email campaign for marketers and recipients.

The Outcome

By keeping our focus where Emma does—on making life better for the people using their product—we were able to create an identity and video as warm, approachable, and human as Emma itself.

A few cool things we've done

Brand Building


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Integrated Campaigns


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Integrated Campaigns


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