"Buy" Content

Written by
Jennifer Williams
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 5:55 PM
Removing barriers to purchase for mobile shoppers.

The dynamics of shopping and buying are forever changed in favor of not just online transactions, but mobile ones. In fact, according to Big Commerce, mobile ecommerce sales are expected to account for 54% of total ecommerce sales by 2021, whereas about 15 years ago, this figure was nearly non-existent. That’s a staggering shift in consumer behavior. Consumers now get product inspiration, information, compare features and pricing, and ultimately buy, entirely through their phones. These quick mobile purchase moments are what Google describes as an “I-want-to-buy micro-moment”. It’s any time a consumer is ready to make a purchase but needs help deciding what or how to buy it, so they turn to their mobile devices for help. Creating the right experience at this crucial moment in the customer journey is key. Here are some tips for how to do it right.

1. Solicit Authentic Reviews

Consumers need to believe they are getting a good value for a quality product or service. They are becoming more skeptical of brand messaging, so they actively seek human perspective to get the real scoop. Video reviews are especially influential. Consider partnering with an influencer who authentically embodies some of your brands’ pillars—if the endorser is seen as inauthentic it can have the opposite effect. Invite them into the process and don’t be overly-prescriptive. They may know things about your target audience that you don’t.

2. Dare Your Audience to Compare

Information is so quickly available, whether buying a face wash or a car, so it’s no surprise that consumers will put you against your competitor in a matter of seconds. (82% of people use their smartphones to help them choose what product to buy.)  Accept that this will happen, and be ready for it. Make sure you have a compelling brand story, standout product quality, and/or compelling price. These are what will truly set you apart. Be sure this information is easily accessed via mobile. And keep it short and sweet in order to meet consumers’ micro-moment time needs.

3. Remove Barriers

Make the path to purchase easy, but understand that the road to conversion might not be that straight. Measure every moment (a journey map can help!) and continue to tweak your messaging and experience on the journey points to maximize conversions. It’s about finding the perfect balance of nurturing your target audience, while also making sure that if they’re ready to buy, they know exactly how to do so no matter where they are on the map.

Ready to “buy” into the micro-content movement? :)  Read on for tips that make successful “know”, “go”, and “do” micro-content. 

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