Building a Brand’s Muscle

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 3:58 PM
A clear message and updated website for NashvilleHealth.

Creating a Force for Change

Community is a powerful force; all the amazing things people achieve, we do together. Our Nashville community is one of the best, a vibrant, fast-growing city. Unfortunately, some of the growth is in our waistlines and blood pressure readings — Nashville ranks 45th in community fitness out of the 50 largest American cities.

NashvilleHealth is a collaborative movement to change this. We worked with them to create a new website designed to get residents and partner organizations actively involved.

Growing Organization, Fresh Look

NashvilleHealth is relatively new, so the website redesign also gave us a chance to strengthen the brand. We evaluated their look, feel and tone, and brought in messaging and a visual language to position them for growth. The clean design and clear, direct language will help audiences from individuals to large organizations find resources and connect with the movement.

The site needed to both inform and inspire. We wanted people to understand the impact poor health has on the entire community, understand how NashvilleHealth is working for change — and most important, understand how they can take action. Clear pathways make it easy to move from education to action, with ways to get healthy and get involved called out on every page.

Staying Active

Inactivity isn’t good for people or organizations, so keeping the information updated and relevant was a top priority. Leading with social content lets us show what is going on right here, right now, and allows us to easily bring in community voices. There’s also a curated community calendar where anyone can suggest events and activities. Together, all these features make the site a place to connect and work for change.

The site also promotes healthy growth for the organization. The site templates can easily be changed to fit their needs, and a custom backend allows them to keep their initiatives and events calendar up to date. Making it simple for the people within the organization to keep the site current is an important part of helping them be a vital resource for the community.

Getting and staying healthy is a journey. But with a bold new look and inspiring messaging, the NashvilleHealth website is a step in the right direction for all of Nashville.

Want to know more? Get in touch!

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