Our 7 Key Learnings from the DMI+AMA Digital Marketing Pro Certification

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redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
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Updated on
May 29, 2024 6:50 PM
Completing the Digital Marketing Pro Certification course from the Digital Marketing Institute and American Marketing Association is just one way we’ve leveled up our growth lately. 

We’re all about growing forth as an agency. Completing the Digital Marketing Pro Certification course from the Digital Marketing Institute and American Marketing Association is just one way we’ve leveled up our growth lately. 

Each person on our client services team brings unique strengths to the table which make our team versatile and highly dynamic—but we also want to ensure we have a degree of consistency across our skill sets. 

The dual certification focuses on digital and foundational marketing tactics, like SEO, content marketing, Google Analytics, and web optimization. This training has helped us refine our understanding of these areas and armed us with tools to enhance our clients’ growth strategies in tangible ways.

Here are a handful of our most impactful takeaways from the certification modules:


Favorite module: Email Marketing

Key learning: I really appreciated the refresh on the importance of email in the overall buyer’s journey, as well as the reminders of the more technical best practices associated with email—such as regulation (e.g. GDPR and CCPA) compliance, automation and testing. In particular, it’s helping me to think more holistically about content strategy in a way that is inclusive of email and the consumer’s journey. Sometimes email can feel siloed, but if we break down those barriers, we can get more mileage out of email content and apply pieces of it to other marketing channels. We can also test and learn very quickly with email, which can enhance not just email strategies but content strategies across the board. 

-Jen Williams, Vice President of Account Management

Favorite module: Web Optimization

Key learning: This is the area where I felt least knowledgeable, but I know it is a critical component of any brand and the consumer experience. This module gave me the tools to advise my clients and collaborate with my partners on developing a website that builds the brand and creates a positive experience for the consumer. My biggest takeaway came from the Conversion Rate Optimization section. From content hierarchy to button colors, no detail is too small and sometimes the smallest details can have the biggest impact.

-Madeline Condron, Group Account Director

Favorite modules: Content Marketing + SEO

Key learning: I have always loved how deeply creative you can be with content marketing, and I really enjoyed combining the deep dive on SEO in concert with content marketing principles. I found the step by step instructions on keyword research to be very helpful in crafting data-informed content. I have a lot of heart for all things owned and it is exciting to see the impact we can have for clients even if they don't have big paid media budgets. The storytelling and technical optimization flexes into two areas that make my brain excited.

-Carly Nealy, Account Director

Favorite module: SEO

Key learning: I felt the most uncomfortable in this area but know how valuable it is for our clients. After completing this module, I now have a more thorough understanding of SEO that has helped me be a more informed and strategic partner for our clients. This skill will be the most valuable as we continue to stay ahead of digital trends to make ourselves and our clients smarter and help them hit their business goals.

-Caroline Meyer, Account Director

Favorite module: SEO + Google Analytics

Key learning: Including an SEO strategy in digital marketing is essential in the process of trying to get your audience to consider your service or product. But understanding all of the nuances of Google Analytics and building a web (no pun intended) of content audience profiles to make sure your dollars are targeting who you need to reach is a specialization all on its own. The digital landscape has changed a good bit since I started my career. This module helped me feel equipped and confident to bring current digital considerations to the table for our clients. 

-Daniel López, Account Supervisor

Favorite module: Google Analytics

Key learning: Prior to this course, my knowledge of Google Analytics was surface level. It was great to take a deeper dive into the functionality of Google Analytics and the impact that the launch of Google Analytics 4 has on our clients. I was heavily involved in a client’s transition to GA4, and this course equipped me with the knowledge to ask the right questions of our digital partner and not feel like a deer in the headlights.

-Jacob Wheeler, Account Supervisor

Favorite module: Content Marketing

Key learning: Thought leadership through custom content development and marketing is fundamental to brands strengthening their awareness and market positioning. It’s critical to strategize what types of content will generate interest and what topics will retain and convert readers to keep them engaged long-term. Understanding which channels give insights to your audience’s behavior is huge and ultimately helps us develop a tailored content strategy to keep them coming back for more.

-Lauren Holt, Senior Account Director

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