How do you balance lifestyle and product-focused CPG content?

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
June 4, 2024 11:26 AM
We helped pet food brand NUTRO™ integrate more lifestyle photography and video into their marketing.

NUTRO™ reached out looking to integrate more lifestyle photography and video into their marketing. We’re well-versed in helping CPG brands balance product video and photography with in-context lifestyle visuals that help strengthen the connection with consumers.

Growing the Lifestyle Library

We strategized and executed a production shoot that would give NUTRO™ a library of lifestyle imagery, including still photography and motion, focusing on the brand’s core product lines for different breeds and environments. We differentiated content for each product (Lifestage, Max, So Simple, Natural Choice) making sure it all encompassed the NUTRO™ brand elements of greenery, outdoor scenery, and farm-like themes.

A few cool things we've done

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