What Makes a Great Low-Code/No-Code Platform?

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 6:35 PM
Our team’s take on the 5 most important platform features.

When it comes to website development, there’s been a change in mindset among marketers for a while now—where they used to rely on development partners to make updates, edits, and personalizations to their brand’s digital presence, they now want more control. Marketing teams have turned to low-code/no-code platforms to enable higher levels of autonomy over their websites without the need to be dev wizards. 

So what does the “promised land” for a brand in the market for a low-code/no-code platform look like? Our team shared their top 5 most important qualities of a great one here:

Easily managed and updated.

The whole point of low-code/no code is that marketing teams don’t want to deal with developers—they need something teammates with no development background can easily interact with and update.

I’ve found webflow’s experience to be the most conducive here. In the past we’ve used Wordpress, but webflow’s user-friendly interface extracts the complexity of Wordpress’s coding requirements to create something that development laypeople can edit on the fly.

Matt Reed, Creative Technologist

High user control over aesthetics.

In the past, these low-code platforms have been scary for bigger companies because they have this reputation that the aesthetics and uniqueness of your website will be very limited based on the platform’s set inventory of templates. But that’s just not the case anymore. Now companies like webflow are creating  products that take that no-code/low-code concept further with the flexibility and security you want for your company’s website.

Carrie Pickering, Digital Producer / Project Manager

A business model that pushes innovation boundaries.

Being innovation driven is a quality shared by all of our trusted partners, and it’s also an important quality in the tools we use. Webflow has a community of user designers who add to the library of templates, constantly pushing and evolving what’s possible to design on the platform. Designers have made names for themselves just through building Webflow templates (plus, this continuous evolution leads to a more robust library of public templates for everyone who uses the platform).

Matt Reed, Creative Technologist

Rapid prototyping functionality.

Rather than partnering with an outsourced dev team on a huge website overhaul that could take a year to complete, low-code/no-code platforms provide the advantage of timeliness. There's a huge value-add if a tool can provide a standout, risk-reducing functionality for testing and optimizing before launch to validate opportunities. That makes having a product that makes spinning up a prototyped web experience easy and quick can be a big deal.

Carrie Pickering, Digital Producer / Project Manager

Flexible and conducive to scaling.

Finally, a great low-code/no-code platform is flexible for multiple uses. Trends will fluctuate and change just as a brand's growth will. Having a product that can keep up is important--if microsites are trending on TikTok, a product that can be proactive and quick to act will help a brand join the conversation naturally. If a startup's business begins to really take off, that will likely need to be reflected in a website that can grow and scale with the company.

Courtney Chauvenne, Associate Director of Social Media

Still curious about the best way to match your brand's user experience to its growth? Reach out—we'd love to chat.

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