Touch on Tech v2.0

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 8:32 PM
Watch the Touch on Tech v2.0 from redpepper!

Welcome to Touch on Tech where we talk about how technology is changing the world you do know today into the world you don’t know tomorrow. We’ve got everything from judgemental AI mirrors to robots stealing jobs from children. Do you like the future, because you’re in it!

Some Links to Stuff From This Episode

Away Mode by HippoUse this awkward Alexa skill to protect your home from unwanted

‎Burrito Time‎Burrito Time is your daily opportunity to win a free burrito. Every day, at a random time, this app will send you a…

Still hungry for more technology!? Just head on over to our Pinterest board and keep up with all the things we find every day here at redpepper. Peace and love and bye ’til next time!

Originally published at on September 21, 2018

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