rp Reacts: A Trip Down CreateAthon Lane

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redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
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Updated on
May 29, 2024 10:03 PM
During CreateAthon, volunteers dedicate 24 hours to support local nonprofits. From refreshing websites to crafting campaigns, they've left a lasting impact on organizations like Futuro, Gideon’s Army, Autism Career Training, Nashville Children's Theater, and Wags & Walks. Each project brought unique challenges and rewarding experiences.

Every year we set aside a full 24 hours—and skip a night’s sleep—to help local nonprofits with their marketing efforts. They tell us their needs, and we pour ourselves into making their dreams come true, from refreshing websites to developing campaigns to designing rebrands and more.

As our 17th annual CreateAthon approaches, we wanted to take a look back and share some of the projects we’ve worked on. Here’s a handful (but definitely not all) of our favorites:

It was my only Createathon so far, but I loved working on Futuro last year. We got to hear some stories from their students/members as a part of the promo videos we made for them, and it was very inspiring.

-Mario McDonald, Sr. Staff Accountant

We gave their website new energy with fresh copy, redesigned visuals, and clear navigation.

Developed a social media strategy and created assets that resonate with their audience.

Gideon’s Army was one of my favorites! Those kids were great at working with us, calling us out on our biases, and making the work something that made them feel good—not simply driving donations.

-Karla Jackson, Marketing Practice Creative Director

We developed a website to share their mission and help them reach donors.

We used the new photography we took to develop a poster series that tells their story.

We evolved their logo and created a gif for Instagram stories.

Autism Career Training was a blast to work on last year. We refreshed branding, created social sharing templates, Erin wrote some killer copy, and we were even able to head out to the center and get photography to work with. They’re still using a lot of the assets we helped create today. Just all around good feels.

-Drew Beamer, Associate Creative Director

Designed print and digital assets to boost awareness.

Refreshed brand voice and imagery to build a sense of cohesion across all marketing efforts.

My very first CreateAthon was with the Nashville Children's Theater. We made an incredible video that highlighted the connection between the arts and how it impacts children's development. It holds a special place in my heart because it was my first event and the quality of the creative was so top notch. But asking me to choose a favorite CreateAthon project is like asking to choose a favorite flavor of ice cream—they are all amazing.

-Samara Anderson, VP of Sales and Marketing

Last year was so fun working on the Wags & Walks team! A memory that really sticks out to me and reminds me of the whole purpose of CreateAthon was kicking off the day with making a prize spinning wheel design. Now we made a lot of deliverables that would be more long-standing and impactful, but the morning of CreateAthon, Wags & Walks had put out a request on Instagram for a designer to help complete a prize wheel for their event that night. One of our team members saw that request as we met for the first time as a team that morning. It was so serendipitous and such special timing that we were able to meet that immediate need that popped up the day we were all going to be working for them for 24 hours!

-Abigail Timms, Graphic Designer

We designed a spinning prize wheel.

We generated some national buzz. Click here to read more and play the game.

We also designed media and marketing collateral that clearly communicate their mission.

A few cool things we've done

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