An Account Supervisors Favorite Reads

Written by
Kéra Holzinger
multiple authors
Updated on
May 29, 2024 6:12 PM
Building the industry bookshelf one recommended read at a time - an account supervisor's favorite reads.

I truly believe that if we stop learning, we stop evolving — and that applies not only to our brains but to our hearts and our souls. Each of these books offers something different to the betterment of self, encouraging me to act, to change, and to be the best human I can be.

Love Does by Bob Goff

Love Does is a Christian non-fiction book that includes essays and short stories from Bob Goff's personal life that are all threaded by one common theme — love does.  

I love this book because it's an easy read that continually uplifts my soul.  Since this is a collection of stories, it's a book that you can pick up and read whenever you need a little pick me up, when you're traveling, or when you find yourself tired of the same old marketing how to's. Each chapter is packed full of cultural perception shifts as Bob shows his readers how to "shamelessly show love and grace" to those around us, and it encourages you to leave the world a better place than how you found it. 

I dare you to be unchanged by this book. 

"And for me, I've realized that I used to be afraid of failing at the things that really mattered to me, but now I'm more afraid at succeeding at things that don't matter."

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

The Alchemist is about a shepherd boy who finds himself on a journey seeking treasure and magic all while discovering who he is and his divine purpose. 

A friend of mine gifted me this book right before I moved to Nashville. At the time, I had the support of most people and the skeptical voices of others. She told me, "follow your omans". I didn't really know what she meant until I opened up the book to read it almost 6 months later. 

Whatever it is you believe in — the holy spirit, divine intervention, the energy of the universe — this book grasps your heart and your innermost passions, urging you to take just one step forward; to listen and to act. 

I read this book in two days and it changed me.

"When you want something with all your heart, that's when you are closest to the Soul of the world. It's always a positive force."

Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek seeks to understand why some teams put their lives on the line for each other and some don't. In this book, Simon Sinek builds the foundation of good workplace conditions on a notion he saw first hand in the Marine Corps — the marines are so good because the leaders eat last. 

This book (currently reading) puts a lot into perspective for me and I find myself asking questions like, "What motivates me?", "How would I want to be lead?", "How can I be a better leader for my teams?". 

Simon Sinek is a straight shooter when it comes to his writing and his rationale for the "why" is truly inspiring. It's not just our teams that depend on good leadership, but it's our health. This book is full of gold that I'd recommend to any team looking to improve the areas where they fall short.

"It's not the demands of the job that cause the most stress, but the degree of control workers feel they have throughout their day...Put simply: less control, more stress."

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