Agencies & Clients: Working Better Together Remotely

Written by
redpepper Staff
redpepper Staff
multiple authors
Updated on
June 3, 2024 2:22 PM
Advice on effective communication from our Client Services Team

“Everyone is affected by what’s happening right now. Turn on your video and be real. It’s refreshing and puts things at ease. Ask other participants to turn on video—you can all laugh about how “up in the air” things are right now. In-person communication comes with so much rich data and the next best thing you can get is video. I’ve had more laughs, fun, and connection with clients over the last week than I’ve had in a long time because of this.”

Joe Bennett, Product Account Director

“Establish a clear communication plan to fit everyone's needs. Try to humanize the experience as much as possible and connect outside of the work in ways that add value to the client, such as sending a curated digital care package with relevant articles or trend reports.”

Ashley Smith, Account Director

“Instead of flooding my client's inboxes with multiple communications, I've picked up the phone to ask questions and have a small conversation. Most of them are working from home, or in a busy hospital, so it's nice to have a little brief moment of human interaction that doesn't involve work, and we can share some human connection and empathy.”

Caroline Meyer, Account Executive

“All great relationships require great communication, and a client relationship is no different. The ability to remain transparent and honest with our clients is imperative. Opening up to a client about our working conditions or our transitions can feel really vulnerable, but it has been backed with 100% understanding. One client said to us, ‘we know great work can be done from anywhere.’ These words really meant the world. As long as we remain open, transparent, and communicative, we will not fail.”

Kéra Holzinger, Account Supervisor

Figure things out together. Be open about uncertainty. None of us know what the future holds, but we should all know what our common goal is in the work we do together.”

Clare Thomas, Account Coordinator

“Video when possible. Don't go straight into the work, have real conversations and laugh with each other. LISTEN—do not talk over them and let them get their thoughts out before interjecting. Set up the call with a clear objective and goal to make sure everyone is aligned. Plan for tech issues and be ready to troubleshoot but don't let it frazzle you. It happens.”

Levi Brandenburg, Senior Account Supervisor

“Be proactive around recommendations for how clients might navigate this new reality…but not in a knee-jerk or overly-prescriptive way. Instead, ask lots of questions about what they’re starting to see, what their customers and partners are doing/saying, etc. Then share recommendations that invite discussion. It’s a want to provide direction that adds value in this uncertain time, but not assume we have a silver bullet answer. Assume the way forward will be iterative.”

Jen Williams, Group Account Director

“Learn from each other. We are all going through changes so share knowledge—be open about what you are trying and what may or may not be working!”

Allie Shanahan, Senior Account Supervisor

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